Gary Null, Ph.D. – Writer/ Director/ Executive Producer

Gary Null Bio

For more than 35 years Gary Null has been one of the foremost voices of the health movement. He has produced over 70 documentaries.  Gary, along with leading experts, has  examined a wide range of topics from food production, alternative healing, politics and our economic system. Gary has aired many of his documentaries on PBS. 

Gary has continued to be a strong voice for the consumer, standing up against big corporations and big government. He has exposed the massive drugging of children in our schools,  investigated industries such as pesticides, herbicides, artificial sweeteners, food irradiation, water fluoridation, unsafe ingredients in vaccines, nuclear power, the FDA, GMO’s and the Gulf War Syndrome.

Gary has done an original investigative reporting series on a regular basis and has published over 100 original investigative articles. He has also published over 100 books.

He founded the web based Progressive Radio Network, with an average of 180,000 listeners weekly.

He has the longest running health radio program in American history.

For more than 35 years Gary Null has been one of the foremost voices of the health movement with radio programs on Pacifica radio stations KPFK, WPFW, WBAI, and WABC, as well as ABC national radio. He founded the web based Progressive Radio Network, with an average of 180,000 listeners weekly. Gary, along with leading experts, examines a wide range of topics from food production, alternative healing, politics and our economic system. Gary has aired many of his documentaries on PBS. 

Gary uses well-researched scientific information to support his points of view. Gary has done an original investigative reporting series on a regular basis and has published over 100 original investigative articles. He has also published over 100 books.